The “pursuit of happiness” is often considered the highest goal of life. It is a phrase held in high esteem and part of the founding document of the United States. We find in the Declaration of Independence the line: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” What does it mean? How have we interpreted this phrase to give meaning to our lives?
In modern culture, this pursuit has become for material things. For one person, it is acquiring great wealth. For another, it could be a happy marriage or the next car. Other examples: fame, mastery of a sport, achieving high office, or a grand vacation. There is nothing wrong with any of them. But do they inherently bring happiness?
Understanding True Happiness
For a deeper understanding, we look to the writings of Dr. Michael Menahem Gottlieb, a master teacher and the founder of Royal Way Spiritual Center, who dedicated his life to personal growth and helping those interested in their own personal growth.
He writes: ”The concept of the pursuit of happiness is a mistake. You cannot pursue yourself. A subject can pursue an object, but a subject cannot pursue itself. You can pursue money, power, sex, or social status, but that does not guarantee happiness. Happiness cannot be pursued. On the contrary, to achieve happiness you need to relinquish things. You relinquish greed, anger, fear, anxiety, tension, confusion—and lo and behold, a sparkling universe. Your natural state of happiness unfolds.”
If our natural state is happiness, and personal growth helps us to relinquish those things holding us back, then personal growth and happiness are interconnected. And fulfillment comes from peeling back those layers and finding that natural state where we feel at ease in our own skin, at peace in the face of chaos, in control of our emotions and mental processes.
Royal Way Guidance on Happiness
At Royal Way Spiritual Center, we discover spiritual happiness, which then affects our everyday life, bringing richness and fulfillment to all of the material pursuits. Through the various meditation practices at the retreats and workshops, we find clarity to see ourselves and the world around us more clearly.
Each person is a whole world unto themselves and, as such, has many different facets. One must work on the lower stuff (i.e., compulsions, judgments, behaviors, etc.) as well as the higher self (or transcendental self) to find balance and joy.
This isn’t to suggest that spiritual work is necessarily arduous or difficult. Indeed, seeing a process and changing it can be pleasant and empowering. The difference here is to look and find where we are being run by our mind or outside circumstances and see where we can effect change within. To know who we are beyond the mind and live a life examined— that begets happiness.
The Role of Spiritual Community
As in most endeavors, finding a community of like-minded people can aid one on their chosen quest. The quest for spiritual growth and happiness is no exception. The community of Royal Way Spiritual Center plays an important role in connecting to and uncovering our natural state of happiness. At the various workshops and retreats we gain insights, deepen our understanding of ourselves and create lasting bonds of spiritual friendship in the process. Sharing a path creates an environment that can propel everyone closer to their true nature. Being self-aware and fulfilled is the antidote to loneliness. Being part of a vibrant spiritual community adds joy and color to life.
Personal Growth and Happiness
So as we’ve come to understand, personal growth and happiness complement each other. On the path toward higher consciousness we begin to let go of thoughts, concepts and emotions that weigh us down and hold us back, which inspires an unfolding of happiness from within. But the reverse is also true; when one is happy, it becomes easier to meditate, create personal connections and have clarity. One could say the cumulative effect of growth is more growth, which leads to more happiness. The more one discovers the inner self, the more happiness will manifest.
To put it more poetically and creatively, Dr. Michael Menahem Gottlieb writes: ”As we unwind our old tapes and drop our alien systems and processes, we create an emptiness, a space, for something new to happen. A knowing of our own reality begins to blossom. An awareness of our beauty raises our consciousness. A sense of our power blasts our walls of isolation. We are no longer willing to settle for a drab and bland existence in this plastic environment. We begin to create our own world. We cram our earth with heaven and tremble with ecstasy to each moment.”
The Reality of Life Challenges
No life is a straight line. There are ups and downs, challenges, triumphs, and tragedies. Taking the time to slow down and find more silence in our daily lives can help us not get stuck in those lows. When we slow down enough to gain some silence, we also gain new perspectives on those situations.
Dr. Michael Gottlieb writes: ”Sooner or later, you lose the high. This is bound to happen. One cannot indefinitely remain on a high. Highs and lows are in the very nature of this plane of existence, and it is good that it is so. It affords us an opportunity for continual growth. The lows make possible the highs. Without valleys, there can be no mountains. In fact, the lower the valley, the higher the mountain peak.”
With this insight the spiritual path becomes an adventure filled with opportunities for growth. Michael Gottlieb continues with: “The question to ask is: Where do you live and where do you visit?” A great question to ask at any stage of life. How do we keep the lows and valleys a “visit” and not a permanent home? A few suggestions:
Meditate—do your best to clear your mind for better awareness.
Take the time to slow down, find silence, and recharge.
Lean on spiritual friends who will be compassionate and honest.
Exercise—physical movement is proven to boost your mood and relieve stress.
Express, express, express—personal connections, journal writing, art, etc.
Connect with nature, take a walk, hike, or simply sit in a natural environment.
Connecting with nature also helps a seeker discover their inner silence and joy. Anyone who has ever felt awe in the face of a beautiful sunset or sky knows how that awe connects us to who we really are, bringing forth that natural state of delight. The beautiful landscapes around the Royal Way Ranch in Lucerne Valley, California, help create a space to reflect and expand our vision. These and other benefits create a sense of self beyond the usual mental concepts.
These are just a few simple but powerful suggestions to keep a positive mindset amid life’s ups and downs.
Balancing Expectations
In the process of life’s ups and downs, how many times a day do we complain about things big and small? The weather, the traffic, our significant other, our jobs, etc. It’s a good idea to keep expectations laced with gratitude for happiness. Dr. Michael Menahem Gottlieb writes: ”True gratitude is a natural flowering of the soul when we connect and flow with 'that which is.' Then whatever 'is' is beautiful. Good is no longer defined in terms of what I want or what I need or what I think ought to be, should be, could be, or might be, but rather in terms of that which is. We continue to suffer from 'what is' because we continue to insist on 'what should be.' Our pain and confusion are a direct result of our attempt to force our ideas of what should be on that which is.”
By relinquishing the need for things to be as we want and move in life’s natural ebb and flow, we make room for our inner joy and gratitude to be expressed.
Natural Happiness
It is fair to say that everyone wants to be happy. And on the spiritual path, as we get in touch with our inner being, we connect more with the universe. We experience joy, bliss, and pleasure, and more. One of the tenets of Royal Way Spiritual Center states: ”If God is joy, if God is bliss—and everyone agrees God is the greatest bliss—then the only way to God is bliss and joy and pleasure…I teach: The way to God is to gratefully accept God’s pleasures, which he gave to us on this plane, which are mere reflections—tiny, little mirror reflections—of the ultimate joy that is God. The way to the joy of God is to move through the pleasures of this world, going beyond them . . . and beyond . . . and beyond.”
Is the pursuit of happiness real? Yes and no. We are free to pursue whatever it is we believe will make us happy. But the common interpretation has led individuals toward chasing after material things that may or may not bring the desired result.
Rather when we let go of negativity and things that hold us back from personal growth, our natural state of happiness comes forth. And we gain new openings and insights that take us deeper into the discovery of self.
Michael Gottlieb writes: “Looking constantly for our good place and then relating to ourselves in that way—there you will find true magic. There is the key to happiness. There lies the greatest discovery. Therein is the greatest adventure. Therein is the dawn of transcendence.”